grand public

Rencontre printanière 2025 de l'INTRIQ


Spring 2025 INTRIQ meeting


May 13, 2025 11:00 AM


May 14, 2025 4:30 PM


May 13, 2025 11:00 AM


May 14, 2025 4:30 PM



Incription gratuite pour les membres



Free registration for members

Free Admission

lieu de l'événement

Hôtel Château Bromont

event location

Hôtel Château Bromont


Rencontre printanière 2025 de l'INTRIQ

Programme préliminaire

13 mai

10h55  Mot d'ouverture (Salon A)

11h00  Présentation (Salon A)

12h00  Dîner (Salle Knowlton)

13h30 Présentation (Salon A)

14h15  Présentation (Salon A)

14h40 Présentation (Salon A)

15h00 Pause-café (Salon C)

15h30 Présentation (Salon A)

16h00 Présentation (Salon A)

‍17h00 Session d'affiches avec rafraîchissements (Salon C)

19h30 Souper INTRIQ (Salle Knowlton)

14 mai

9h00  Présentation (Salon A)

10h00 Présentation (Salon A)

10h30 Pause-café (Salon C)

11h00 Présentation (Salon A)

12h00 Dîner (Salle Knowlton)

13h30 Présentation (Salon A)

14h30 Pause-café (Salon C)

15h00 Présentation (Salon A)

15h45 Présentation (Salon A)

16h05 Présentation (Salon A)

16h25 Mot de fermeture (Salon A)

Conférenciers invités

Jonathan Lavoie

Xanadu, Canada
Scaling and networking a modular photonicquantum computer
We will discuss Aurora, Xanadu's latest photonic quantum computer showcasing scaling, modularity, and networking in a fault-tolerant architecture. We will also discuss more recent breakthroughs in hardware progress.

Nicolas Delfosse

Titre à venir

Ulysse Chabaud

INRIA, France
Can effective descriptions of bosonic systems be considered complete?
Bosonic statistics give rise to remarkable phenomena, from the Hong–Ou–Mandel effect to Bose–Einstein condensation, with applications spanning fundamental science to quantum technologies. Modeling bosonic systems relies heavily on effective descriptions: typical examples include truncating their infinite-dimensional state space and restricting their dynamics to a simple class of Hamiltonians, such as polynomials of canonical operators, which are used to define quantum computing over bosonic modes. However, many natural bosonic Hamiltonians do not belong to this simple class, and some quantum effects harnessed by bosonic computers inherently require infinite-dimensional spaces, questioning the validity of such effective descriptions of bosonic systems. How can we trust results obtained with such simplifying assumptions to capture real effects?

Driven by the increasing importance of bosonic systems for quantum technologies, we solve this outstanding problem by showing that these effective descriptions do in fact capture the relevant physics of bosonic systems. Our technical contribution is twofold: firstly, we prove that any physical, bosonic unitary evolution can be strongly approximated by a finite-dimensional unitary evolution; secondly, we show that any finite-dimensional unitary evolution can be generated exactly by a bosonic Hamiltonian that is a polynomial of canonical operators. Beyond their fundamental significance, our results have implications for classical and quantum simulations of bosonic systems, they provide universal methods for engineering bosonic quantum states and Hamiltonians, they show that polynomial Hamiltonians do generate universal gate sets for quantum computing over bosonic modes, and they lead to an infinite-dimensional Solovay–Kitaev theorem.

Joint work with F. Arzani and R. I. Booth: arXiv:2501.13857

Conférenciers INTRIQ

Les conférenciers seront annoncés prochainement.


Ayana Sarkar

Postdoc, Université de Sherbrooke
Directeur: Stéfanos Kourtis
Titre à venir

Azin Aghdaei

Postdoc, Université de Montréal
Directeur: Philipppe St-Jean
Titre à venir

Baptiste Monge

Doctorant, Université de Sherbrooke
Directeur: Max Hofheinz
Directional Josephson Photonics

François Cyrenne-Bergeron

Étudiant à la maîtrise, Université de Sherbrooke
Directeur: Max Hofheinz
Titre à venir

Marie Frédérique Dumas

Doctorante, Université de Sherbrooke
Directeur: Alexandre Blais
Titre à venir

Olivier Trépanier

Doctorant, Université de Sherbrooke
Directeur: Baptiste Royer
Reinforcement learning-enhanced hamiltonian estimation
We use reinforcement learning techniques in order to decide how to interact with a system in a relevant way to increase the knowledge of the Hamiltonian's parameters.

Pierre-Gabriel Rozon

Doctorant, Université McGill
Directrice: Tami Pereg-Barnea
Titre à venir

Sam Wolski

Doctorant, Université de Sherbrooke
Directeur: Mathieu Juan
Flux-tunable resonators for cavity magnonics
Superconducting circuits can be used for various quantum technology applications, which dictate their desired behaviour under applied magnetic fields. For computing and communications, field resilience is highly prized, as stray flux should not negatively impact device operation. This is in contrast to sensing, where flux-induced decoherence is precisely the mechanism by which quantum-enhanced sensitivities can be achieved. These two requirements of sensitivity and resilience come into direct conflict when the objective is coherent interaction with magnons, the quanta of collective spin excitations. A stronger response to external fields enables a greater coupling, but cannot be so large that the photon lifetime limits device operation. Understanding the landscape of flux-tunable resonators is essential to exploring off-resonant magnon interactions.

Yanic Cardin

Étudiant à la maîtrise, Polytechnique Montréal
Directeur: Nicolas Quesada
Photon-number moments and cumulants of Gaussian states
We develop closed-form expressions for the moments and cumulants of Gaussian states when measured in the photon-number basis. We express the photon-number moments of a Gaussian state in terms of the loop Hafnian, a function that when applied to a (0, 1)-matrix representing the adjacency of a graph, counts the number of its perfect matchings. Similarly, we express the photon-number cumulants in terms of the Montrealer, a newly introduced matrix function that when applied to a (0, 1)-matrix counts the number of Hamiltonian cycles of that graph. Based on these graph-theoretic connections, we show that the calculation of photon-number moments and cumulants are #P −hard. Moreover, we provide an exponential time algorithm to calculate Montrealers (and thus cumulants), matching well-known results for Hafnians. We then demonstrate that when a uniformly lossy interferometer is fed in every input with identical single-mode Gaussian states with zero displacement, all the odd-order cumulants but the first one are zero. Finally, we employ the expressions we derive to study the distribution of cumulants up to the fourth order for different input states in a Gaussian boson sampling setup where K identical states are fed into an ℓ-mode interferometer. We analyze the dependence of the cumulants as a function of the type of input state, squeezed, lossy squeezed, squashed, or thermal, and as a function of the number of non-vacuum inputs. We find that thermal states perform much worse than other classical states, such as squashed states, at mimicking the photon-number cumulants of lossy or lossless squeezed states.

Yannick Lapointe

Étudiant à la maîtrise, Université de Sherbrooke
Directeur: Max Hofheinz
Titre à venir

YinZhangHao Zhou

Doctorant, Université McGill
Directeur: Hong Guo
Titre à venir

Spring 2025 INTRIQ meeting

Preliminary schedule

May 13th

10:55  Opening remarks (Salon A)

11:00  Talk (Salon A)

12:00  Lunch (Knowlton room)

13:30 Talk (Salon A)

14:15  Talk (Salon A)

14:40 Talk (Salon A)

15:00 Coffee break (Salon C)

15:30 Talk (Salon A)

16:00 Talk (Salon A)

‍17:00 Poster session with refreshments (Salon C)

19:30 INTRIQ dinner (Knowlton room)

May 14th

9:00  Talk (Salon A)

10:00 Talk (Salon A)

10:30 Coffee break (Salon C)

11:00 Talk (Salon A)

12:00 Lunch (Knowlton room)

13:30 Talk (Salon A)

14:30 Coffee break (Salon C)

15:00 Talk (Salon A)

15:45 Talk (Salon A)

16:05 Talk (Salon A)

16:25 Closing remarks (Salon A)

Invited speakers

Jonathan Lavoie

Xanadu, Canada
Scaling and networking a modular photonicquantum computer
We will discuss Aurora, Xanadu's latest photonic quantum computer showcasing scaling, modularity, and networking in a fault-tolerant architecture. We will also discuss more recent breakthroughs in hardware progress.

Nicolas Delfosse

Title to be announced

Ulysse Chabaud

INRIA, France
Can effective descriptions of bosonic systems be considered complete?
Bosonic statistics give rise to remarkable phenomena, from the Hong–Ou–Mandel effect to Bose–Einstein condensation, with applications spanning fundamental science to quantum technologies. Modeling bosonic systems relies heavily on effective descriptions: typical examples include truncating their infinite-dimensional state space and restricting their dynamics to a simple class of Hamiltonians, such as polynomials of canonical operators, which are used to define quantum computing over bosonic modes. However, many natural bosonic Hamiltonians do not belong to this simple class, and some quantum effects harnessed by bosonic computers inherently require infinite-dimensional spaces, questioning the validity of such effective descriptions of bosonic systems. How can we trust results obtained with such simplifying assumptions to capture real effects?

Driven by the increasing importance of bosonic systems for quantum technologies, we solve this outstanding problem by showing that these effective descriptions do in fact capture the relevant physics of bosonic systems. Our technical contribution is twofold: firstly, we prove that any physical, bosonic unitary evolution can be strongly approximated by a finite-dimensional unitary evolution; secondly, we show that any finite-dimensional unitary evolution can be generated exactly by a bosonic Hamiltonian that is a polynomial of canonical operators. Beyond their fundamental significance, our results have implications for classical and quantum simulations of bosonic systems, they provide universal methods for engineering bosonic quantum states and Hamiltonians, they show that polynomial Hamiltonians do generate universal gate sets for quantum computing over bosonic modes, and they lead to an infinite-dimensional Solovay–Kitaev theorem.

Joint work with F. Arzani and R. I. Booth: arXiv:2501.13857

INTRIQ speakers

Speakers to be announced


Ayana Sarkar

Postdoc, Université de Sherbrooke
Director: Stéfanos Kourtis
Title to be announced

Azin Aghdaei

Postdoc, Université de Montréal
Director: Philipppe St-Jean
Title to be announced

Baptiste Monge

PhD student, Université de Sherbrooke
Director: Max Hofheinz
Directional Josephson Photonics

François Cyrenne-Bergeron

Master student, Université de Sherbrooke
Director: Max Hofheinz
Title to be announced

Marie Frédérique Dumas

PhD student, Université de Sherbrooke
Director: Alexandre Blais
Title to be announced

Olivier Trépanier

PhD student, Université de Sherbrooke
Director: Baptiste Royer
Reinforcement learning-enhanced hamiltonian estimation
We use reinforcement learning techniques in order to decide how to interact with a system in a relevant way to increase the knowledge of the Hamiltonian's parameters.

Pierre-Gabriel Rozon

PhD student, McGill University
Director: Tami Pereg-Barnea
Title to be announced

Sam Wolski

PhD student, Université de Sherbrooke
Director: Mathieu Juan
Flux-tunable resonators for cavity magnonics
Superconducting circuits can be used for various quantum technology applications, which dictate their desired behaviour under applied magnetic fields. For computing and communications, field resilience is highly prized, as stray flux should not negatively impact device operation. This is in contrast to sensing, where flux-induced decoherence is precisely the mechanism by which quantum-enhanced sensitivities can be achieved. These two requirements of sensitivity and resilience come into direct conflict when the objective is coherent interaction with magnons, the quanta of collective spin excitations. A stronger response to external fields enables a greater coupling, but cannot be so large that the photon lifetime limits device operation. Understanding the landscape of flux-tunable resonators is essential to exploring off-resonant magnon interactions.

Yanic Cardin

Master student, Polytechnique Montréal
Director: Nicolas Quesada
Photon-number moments and cumulants of Gaussian states
We develop closed-form expressions for the moments and cumulants of Gaussian states when measured in the photon-number basis. We express the photon-number moments of a Gaussian state in terms of the loop Hafnian, a function that when applied to a (0, 1)-matrix representing the adjacency of a graph, counts the number of its perfect matchings. Similarly, we express the photon-number cumulants in terms of the Montrealer, a newly introduced matrix function that when applied to a (0, 1)-matrix counts the number of Hamiltonian cycles of that graph. Based on these graph-theoretic connections, we show that the calculation of photon-number moments and cumulants are #P −hard. Moreover, we provide an exponential time algorithm to calculate Montrealers (and thus cumulants), matching well-known results for Hafnians. We then demonstrate that when a uniformly lossy interferometer is fed in every input with identical single-mode Gaussian states with zero displacement, all the odd-order cumulants but the first one are zero. Finally, we employ the expressions we derive to study the distribution of cumulants up to the fourth order for different input states in a Gaussian boson sampling setup where K identical states are fed into an ℓ-mode interferometer. We analyze the dependence of the cumulants as a function of the type of input state, squeezed, lossy squeezed, squashed, or thermal, and as a function of the number of non-vacuum inputs. We find that thermal states perform much worse than other classical states, such as squashed states, at mimicking the photon-number cumulants of lossy or lossless squeezed states.

Yannick Lapointe

Master student, Université de Sherbrooke
Director: Max Hofheinz
Title to be announced

YinZhangHao Zhou

PhD student, McGill University
Director: Hong Guo
Title to be announced

Event Recording